 Aphasia can impact all areas of language; speaking, listening, reading and writing. Aphasia can result from a stroke, traumatic brain injury, brain tumor, or brain disorder. People with aphasia may have difficulty remembering words, use made up words, or speak in single words. They may have trouble following directions, understanding questions, or have difficulty reading. People with aphasia may not be able to write their name, put words together to write sentences, or spell simple words. Severity and type of Aphasia vary from mild and isolated, impacting only the ability to name specific objects, to severe and diffuse, affecting all areas of language thereby making it almost impossible to communicate.
It is important to know that aphasia is the loss of language, not the loss of intellect. A speech-language pathologist is the primary medical provider in the assessment and treatment of Aphasia.
 Our skilled speech pathologists have advanced training in the treatment of aphasia. We can help restore language, improve understanding and optimize communication skills. At CLASS, Inc., we work with you to maximize your communication skills so that you will continue to enjoy your interests and lifestyle.
If you or someone you love has been impacted by Aphasia, our talented CLASS, Inc. speech therapists can help. Call us at: 253.874.9300 x101 or email us at: info@classinc.net. Better yet, stop by to meet us! There is no appointment necessary: 535 Dock St. #104. Tacoma, 98402