Transgender Voice Therapy
Does your voice reflect your true self? Your voice is one of the most important aspects in fully embodying your gender. At CLASS, Inc. we want you to feel confident that you are presenting your true self. Our speech therapists have advanced, specialized training in transgender voice therapy. We will teach you to safely attain your desired voice as well as the speech patterns, gender-specific language nuances and communication skills associated with women or men.
 The advanced training techniques used by our speech therapists will ensure that your voice mechanism (vocal folds) are not damaged; the crucial factor in altering your voice is proper technique. Transgender females especially benefit from our specialized services, as the hormones they take during transition do not change the voice in any noticeable way, (many transgender men are satisfied with the vocal changes that come with taking testosterone). Voice therapy at CLASS, Inc. will help a transgender female safely increase the frequency and pitch of her voice without risking the vocal fold straining and hoarseness that can happen when a woman tries to change her voice on her own. Our system of advanced training techniques will protect your vocal folds from damaging and painful inflammation or nodules. Working within your budget and scheduling needs, our team will tailor your voice therapy sessions so that you will quickly be confident with your dream voice in both social and professional settings!
Click here to download our Transgender Voice Therapy brochure.
...I feel safer with my new feminine voice, because not everyone has positive opinions about Trans people.
...Before my voice therapy, it was kind of like the world didn't see me the way I wanted to be seen, and now they do!
...It feels really amazing to have a feminine voice that is mine.
...My new voice has ultimately been a place of empowerment for me.
...Transgender voice therapy taught me how to showcase who I really am!